How to Get Help to Get a Mobility Scooter for Disability

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Grants for Mobility Scooters

by Michael
(Llanrwst Wales)

elderly man on a mobility scooter riding along a footpath

Is it possible to get a grant from some charities for a mobility scooter?

I am disabled. Thank you for your assistance.


Hello Michael and Patricia

If you receive Disability Living Allowance at the higher rate for mobility you could use all or part of it to obtain a scooter through the Motability scheme (

Another charity includes:

The Mobility Trust (

See also

Independence at Home

Margaret's Fund



I need a scooter following a stroke
by: Anonymous

I suffered a stroke in September 2011. Since returning home in February 2012 my mobility has been seriously restricted, effectively restricting me to the house.

If i had a mobility scooter, I could at least get out to visit people within my own village.

Is there anywhere I can turn to for assistance in obtaining a scooter?

Hi do have a look at the links mentioned above.

Another source of funding might be smaller charities in your local area. You should be able to get details of these from your local library.

There are also a number of companies who hire out mobility scooters on a contract basis.

Good luck!

Help with funding
by: shawn

Hi, I have a 7 year old daughter who is fully wheelchair dependent and we are now in need of a van with a ramp now due to the fact she is to big to keep lifting in and out of the car now.

Myself and my wife have been looking online for vans with ramps as our 7 seater car is just no good for us any more but the adapted vans are really expensive.

Does anyone no any charities that help out towards Motability vans that have been adapted?

I would appreciate any info many thanks Shawn


Hi Shawn,

Depending on your family income Motability might be able to help you.

If your daughter is eligible for the scheme you can apply to their Grant Department. The grant will pay for the downpayment on the wheelchair accessible vehicle.

There's some information on it here.....

Best wishes

Thanks for sharing. I hope you will add Disability Grants to your list ;)


I need some independence
by: Anonymous

Hi, I have Parkinson's and except for doctors appointments and hospital specialists I'm house bound.

I have a car on mobility but I can't drive it my licence was revoked so my son uses it for my appointments.

A mobility scooter would mean so much to me as I could go out when I want and not have to ask anyone.

Its depressing being in the house so much. I value your advice. Thank you.


Charity Powered Wheelchairs and Scooters
by: Anonymous

If you need a powered wheelchair or scooter and are not eligible for statutory help or afford to purchase for yourself please write to Mobility Trust at 17b Reading Road, Pangbourne, Berkshire, RG8 7LR.

They provide the equipment along with extended warranty, insurance and 2 annual services in most cases.

If you would like to talk to them first please ring 0118 9842588.

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How to Get Help to Get a Mobility Scooter for Disability


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