Can I Draw on Your Freckles

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A smattering of freckles on your nose can be a fun way to change up your look and create a youthful, summertime appearance. Freckles usually form on very pale skin as a result of sun exposure and actually signal damage to the skin's surface. Avoid exposing your skin to the sun and instead fake cute freckles for a healthier approach to this cute look.

  1. 1

    Apply your makeup as normal. The freckles will be one of the last steps in your make-up routine, so it's important to get the rest of your make-up just right before proceeding with the freckles.

    • If you normally wear foundation, powder, or concealer, apply those now as you normally would. If you wear blush, you can choose whether to apply it before or after the freckles depending on how prominent you'd like the freckles to appear. For more obvious freckles, apply blush now and then apply freckles on top of them. For less obvious, more natural-looking freckles, wait to apply blush after you've applied the freckles, but be careful not to smear the freckles.
  2. 2

    Collect your materials. You'll need light brown cream eyeliner (a few shades darker than your natural skin tone), a blush brush or beauty blender, and a cotton ball.

    • Do not use liquid eyeliner; it smudges easily and looks less natural.


  3. 3

    Place dots of eyeliner on your nose and cheeks. You can use the tip of the eyeliner itself as long as it's a very fine point.

    • Make more dots for a more dramatic look, or less for a subtle look. You can place them on your shoulders, decollete, and neck as well if you want to.
  4. 4

    Use the brush or beauty blender to make the freckles subtle. You do not want to rub or smear the freckles, but rather press on them gently, which will help them to look more natural.

    • Take your finger and press on them a bit, but not too much or else they will disappear. Remember that natural freckles vary in size, shape, and shade, so press on some a bit more firmly than others in order to vary their appearance. But do it randomly or it will look unnatural.
  5. 5

    Enjoy your freckled face. You can even wear these to school. They look very realistic!

    • Remove using make-up remover or oil. To take off, put 1 or 2 drops of water on your cotton ball and wipe away to have a clear face again! If you are wearing waterproof eyeliner as freckles, you may need to use an oil-based makeup remover (or coconut oil) to remove the freckles.


  1. 1

    Prep your face. The benefit of using a sunless tanning product for freckles is that they can last for up to a week. But since your skin naturally secretes an oily substance, you must prep the skin in order to make the sunless tanner adhere.

    • Wash your face using a gentle foaming cleanser, then exfoliate your face thoroughly. Use a toner to remove any remaining residue or oiliness.
    • Do not apply any lotion or other products to the skin once it's nice and clean. Just allow it to dry thoroughly.
  2. 2

    Find a sunless tanning product that dries fast and streaks easily. A spray tan works very well, or try a foaming mousse. You will want to get a product that is at least several shades darker than your skin tone.

    • Dispense a small amount of tanning product into a small dish or palate.
  3. 3

    Apply a thin layer of sunless tanner all over your face. Be sure that you avoid eyes and lips, blend at hairlines, and extend down the neck.

    • Since natural freckles are darkened areas of your natural skin, this layer of self-tanner applied across your face will help the freckles to appear more natural because they will be in the range of your skin's coloring.
    • Allow this layer to dry briefly before proceeding.
  4. 4

    Using a small eyeliner brush, take a very small amount of sunless tanner and dab tiny dots onto your nose or cheeks in the natural areas you would get freckles.

    • Start with just a few and add more until you get the look you want.
    • Press gently on the surface of the dots with your index fingers to help them appear more natural and less regular and round in appearance. Vary the pressure to make some appear darker and some lighter, as natural freckles would.
    • Allow to dry thoroughly. To extend the life of your freckles, do not exfoliate your skin for at least a week, or until the freckles fade naturally.
  5. 5

    Try splattering on the sunless tanner. If you're feeling extra bold or want a very obvious freckle to look, you can take a cue from the fashion runway and literally splatter the sunless tanner over your face. You'll probably want to enlist the help of a friend to get this look right without making a huge mess!

    • Dispense a pump of self-tanner into a shallow bowl (foam tanner works great for this method). Using a large kabuki-style makeup brush, dip the bristles in about half an inch then gently blot it on a paper towel once to remove excess drips.
    • Be sure you are either nude or wearing junk clothing you don't mind staining.
    • Standing in a shower or outside, have your friend splatter the sunless tanner toward your face and decollete. The more splattering, the more dramatic the look.
    • Use just enough sunless tanner to splatter but not enough for it to drip down your skin! Try practicing on a piece of newspaper or even on your thighs to be sure you have the right amount of product. (Thighs are great because you can just blend the tanner in after practicing!)


  1. 1

    Choose a light brown eyeliner pencil. This will be used to make the freckles on your cheek.

    • To choose a color, compare to any naturally occurring freckles you have. If you don't have any freckles, look for moles or sunspots on your skin and choose a color similar to those.
    • Do not use liquid eyeliner-- the results will not look like freckles!
  2. 2

    Apply your makeup as usual. The freckles will be one of the last steps in your make-up routine, so it's important to get the rest of your make-up just right before proceeding with the freckles.

    • If you normally wear foundation, powder, or concealer, apply those now as you normally would. If you wear blush, you can choose whether to apply it before or after the freckles depending on how prominent you'd like the freckles to appear.
  3. 3

    Apply the eyeliner to your cheeks and nose or wherever you'd like freckles. This should be done in a very light-handed, dabbing motion, mixing pressure while dabbing so that some freckles are darker than others.

    • You can use a tiny brush to apply the eyeliner, or you can use the pencil itself, as long as you do not press too hard or make the circles too big.
    • Don't try to make perfect circles; just make small, unevenly sized polka dots. Remember, freckles aren't big.
    • You can just make them on your cheeks, across the bridge of your nose, or both. It's a good idea to just do a few very light ones on your first try until you get the hang of the technique.
  4. 4

    Choose a cream concealer a shade or two lighter than your skin tone. Put a very small amount of it on your fingertips, and gently pat it onto the freckles you just made.

    • Continue patting the freckles with your fingertips until they have reached the shade you prefer. The more you pat, the more subtle they will ultimately appear.


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  • If your results are darker than you would like, exfoliate with a granular scrub to tone down the freckles.

  • Practice whichever technique you choose on your arm or leg or other inconspicuous areas before committing to your face, especially if you choose the sunless tanner method which will be hard to remove if you don't like the results.

  • Keep the dots small and few for a subtle look, and add more for a more en vogue look.

  • If you use a make-up method like eyeliner, bring it with you in your purse if you go out, in case your face gets smudged and needs to be touched up.

  • Experiment with other cream or liquid-based makeup products; as long as they are brown and matte, products like mascara, eyebrow gel, foundation, concealer, or cream eyeshadow can also work to create a freckled look.[1]

  • Always wash your hands thoroughly after using a self-tan product.

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  • When using a new product, it is always wise to do a patch test somewhere inconspicuous before using all over your face. Apply a small amount and wait 24 hours to check for any reactions.

  • Always avoid getting self-tanner in eyes, mouth, or other mucous membranes.


Things You'll Need

  • Dark self-tan product (preferably foam or spray), OR eyeliner
  • Concealer
  • Granular exfoliant for the face (or a tbsp of granulated sugar if you don't have face scrub)
  • Soap
  • A very small brush; an eyeliner brush works well
  • Kabuki brush if you're feeling bold

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Article SummaryX

To fake cute freckles, start by applying your makeup as usual, then using a light brown cream eyeliner to make dots on your nose and cheeks. Choose an eyeliner that's a few shades darker than your skin tone, and press on the dots with a brush or beauty blender to give them a more subtle, natural look. Alternatively, use a light brown eyeliner pencil to dab small, unevenly sized polka dots across your nose and cheeks. Then, pick a cream concealer that's a shade or two lighter than your skin tone and pat it over the freckles for a more subtle look. To learn how to use a sunless tanning product to fake your freckles, scroll down!

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Can I Draw on Your Freckles


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