What Does Sos Stand for in Pretty Little Liars

" I think I liked you better when you were dead. "
Shadow Play
Season 4, Episode 19


Air Date February 11, 2014
Written by Joseph Dougherty
Directed by Joseph Dougherty
Episode Guide
Hot for Teacher
Free Fall

Shadow Play is the nineteenth episode of Season 4 of Pretty Little Liars. It aired on February 11, 2014.


Spencer, Hanna and Emily are in Ezra's classroom looking for some kind of evidence they can use to prove to Aria who he really is. Emily tries calling Aria but she gets no answer. Hanna is concerned about what they will tell Aria even if they do find her. Emily comments that she would like to know more about Ezra

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before telling Aria anything.

Spencer finds a package containing Alison's journal in one of his desk drawers. They

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get out of the classroom and hear the sound of high heels approaching. They hide in the hallway and spot Mona walk into Ezra's classroom. She comes out with a stack of papers.

Back at Spencer's place the girls look through the journal. Hanna tells Spencer that they should move to Spencer's room but Spencer says to Hanna that her parents are out of town and so they have nothing to worry about. Spencer says that she does not think any pages are missing. Her constant sniffing prompts Hanna to ask if she is getting a cold. Spencer says that it's allergies. They want Emily to ask Paige about Shana. Emily wonders if perhaps they found th

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e journal too easily like A wanted them to find it.

Aria and Ezra are together in the car. She tells him about a story she's working on and they talk about heroes and villains.

Spencer sits at home watching old movies and takes a pill. A gunshot is fired in the film and Spencer looks away. When she looks up everything around her is black and white. Even the costumes are dated back to the 1940s. Toby walks in wearing a trench coat looking like an old timey detective. Toby asks her about the drugs she's taking. Spencer says that she does not know what Toby is saying.

Ezra approaches Spencer at the coffee shop and pays for her coffee. He asks her about returning to the Hart and the Huntsman ands Spencer says that she did not go to that place since she saw him there. Ezra

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offers to take Spencer there for lunch or dinner. Spencer promises to let him know what will be good for her.

The girls talk about the likelihood that Aria is probably still with Ezra and lying about it in the girl's bathroom. Hanna is put in charge of watching Ezra.

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Aria arrives and the girls ask about her trip. Spencer asks her if she went to the Erie Canal Museum and Aria says that she couldn't as it was closed. Aria asks what she missed and Spencer says nothing much. Aria leaves as the bell rings.

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Spencer calls a number and reaches the Fitzgerald Art Foundation. She hangs up without leaving a message. Spencer takes another pill and is then confronted by Toby again about the pills. He tells Spencer that the pills will not help her piece the evidences together. Toby notices a painting of Alison on the wall and asks Spencer when that got there. Spencer says that she has no idea. They talk about the possibility of Ali being alive. Toby thinks Spencer is trying to tell him something but Spencer says that she is just asking.

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Hanna watches Ezra and Mona on the balcony outside his apartment. She hands him a drink and they go inside.

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Emily asks Paige about Shana. She says she told her everything. After their talk is over, Paige tells Emily that she will always leave first as she cannot bear the sight of Emily walking away from her.

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Hanna runs into Mona on the street. Mona asks Hanna if she lost something. Mona calls Spencer and tells her there's a "blonde package waiting for you" at Ezra's apartment. Spencer rushes there and Ezra confronts them about tailing him. He says he's back with Aria, to which

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Spencer warns him to stay away. He thinks they haven't told Aria about him because they aren't sure and tells Spencer she's in over her head.
In the car Spencer tells Hanna the number from Alison's journal led her to the art foundation.

Aria and Paige have a conversation about an old camera. Paige tells Aria about going on a canoe trip with Emily. Aria tells Paige about the time she was like a tom boy and how she eventually lost interest.

Ezra has a drink with Toby. He tells Toby that Alison is alive and that Spencer knows how to find her.

Alison shows up at Spencer's place wearing the same dress as in the portrait. She comments that the painter did a wonderful job. Spencer asks Ali why she did not tell them about Ezra, but Alison is just

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concerned about the portrait. She says that the portrait will always look the same but Ali won't. Spencer asks Ali that why she did not warn Aria. Ali says that no woman has ever been able to warn another woman about a man. Spencer asks Ali if she can get one straight answer from her. Ali says what would be the fun in that. Spencer tells Ali to stop her drama. Ali says maybe Spencer should be the one she is afraid of. Ali says that Spencer has all the pieces and maybe she needs help from the pills to put all the pieces together. Spencer runs to grab her pill bottle but all of the pills fall into the sink hole. Spencer desperately tries to pick them up but Toby arrives and asks Spencer to snap out of it.

Toby sits Spencer down and asks whether Alison is alive or dead. He wonders if perhaps Spencer was helping Alison. Aria tells Ezra she wants to tell her friends about their relationship. He tells her that Alison is alive.

Hanna learn

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s what answering service the Fitzgerald Art Foundation uses for evening calls.

Emily promises Paige she won't let her be alone. They're both scared about being found out. They sleep together.

Hanna calls the Foundation's service looking for a message from an "Alison."

Spencer tells Toby she's not sure who A really is. Toby tells her she knows the next step to find Alison. He

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thinks it's no accident that she has Alison's book.

Aria tells Spencer she's seeing Ezra again. She says she loves him, but seems conflicted about how things are going. Spencer is about to tell her about Ezra but Hanna interrupts to say she's found Alison.

The girls go the place where the message from Alison originated and find her. She tells them to "get the hell out" and rips into Spencer for bossing everybody around. Spencer responds by charging her with trying to set them up. Alison asks Aria "has she told you?" just before a bullet

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comes through the window. Everybody scatters. Downstairs they hear Ezra's voice. He says "I don't know what they told you but it's not true." Nobody will tell Aria what is going on and she goes to him. When she gets there it is Toby, who says he knocked out Ezra. They get in a car and speed off.

In the car Aria asks Spence why Toby hit

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Ezra. Nobody has the courage to say anything. Toby asks Spencer about the Alison's book and they argue. He tells her to look at the pages themselves. Spencer says that it is the same thing and starts looking at the pages. That's when a light appears in the front window of the car causing Spencer to snap back to reality.

Spencer snaps back into "real life" and we learn that all the black and white events were just Spencer's imagination. She goe

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s over to Alison's book. Emily and Hanna arrives and tell them it's a Trojan horse. There have been changes made to the journal from the pictures she took. A doesn't realize they have the original pages on Spencer's phone, which means the girls have the upper hand once again.

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The girls go to Aria's place. The episode ends with them looking through the window and seeing Ezra and Aria kissing.


  • This episode was in black and white.
  • Sasha said this is her favorite episode by far.
  • Troian Bellisario revealed this episode will be based around Spencer as she goes down a dark road.
  • The majority of the episode was Spencer's imagination.

Main Cast

  • Troian Bellisario as Spencer Hastings
  • Ashley Benson as Hanna Marin
  • Shay Mitchell as Emily Fields
  • Lucy Hale as Aria Montgomery
  • Janel Parrish as Mona Vanderwaal
  • Sasha Pieterse as Alison DiLaurentis

Guest Cast

  • Ian Harding as Ezra Fitz
  • Keegan Allen as Toby Cavanaugh
  • Lindsey Shaw as Paige McCullers


  • The table read was on August 30, 2013.
  • Shadow Play in color.jpg
    Filming began on September 9, 2013 and ended on September 17, 2013.
  • This is Joseph's first time directing an episode of Pretty Little Liars.
  • This episode will be "Oz reversed", starts and ends in color but everything else is black and white, and ABC Family plans to make this episode a big event with publicity about the look and design.
  • Majority of this episode (all black and white parts) was Spencer's imagination.
  • The intro of this episode was also in black and white, as well as the final A scene.
  • The Liars outfit in color clash, but it doesn't matter because it's in black and white

Featured Music

  • "Shadowman" bySchmidt- (In Spencer's dream she runs into Ezra at the Brew)
  • "The Black Dahlia" byPaul Pritchard- (Hanna watches Mona handing a drink to Ezra on the balcony, then they both head inside)
  • "Vicious Cycle" byClairy Browne & The Bangin' Racketts-(Spencer drives while talking about Ezra with Hanna)
  • "I Don't Know Where to Start" byFrank Chacksfield-(Aria shows Paige how to use a camera, then they chat about Emily).
  • "SOS Blues" byFelicia Carter-(Ezra tells Aria that he knows Alison is alive)
  • "Ride With the Tide" byEmilie Mover-(Spencer joins Aria at the bar, Aria wants to confess something to her, Hanna comes to tell them that she found Alison)
  • "Dickey's Blues" byCrytzer's Blue Rhythm Band-(A telegram from 'A' is seen in Alison's dressing room)


Hanna: I'm not as used to walking the streets as Mona is.

Paige: I have to leave first.

Emily: Why?

Paige: Because I cant stand to see you walk away from me.

Hanna: The more I see of men the more I want to get a dog, too bad there isnt another alternative. Emily: ...too bad.

Ezra: True love honey, you just cant kill it.

Toby (To Aria): We don't have much time. I hit him hard, but I only hit him once.

Aria: I always thought champagne was the most sophisticated thing in the world.
Ezra: Well, it isn't. You are.

Spencer: Well, you're president of the man haters club. How would you feel about keeping an eye on Ezra Fitz?
Hanna: I was born for the job.

Toby (To Ezra): If I'm no damn good, then why are you talkin' to me?



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Shadow Play has a photo gallery .


Season 1
Pilot • The Jenna Thing • To Kill a Mocking Girl • Can You Hear Me Now? • Reality Bites Me • There's No Place Like Homecoming • The Homecoming Hangover • Please, Do Talk About Me When I'm Gone • The Perfect Storm • Keep Your Friends Close • Moments Later • Salt Meets Wound • Know Your Frenemies • Careful What U Wish 4 • If At First You Don't Succeed, Lie, Lie Again • Je Suis une Amie • The New Normal • The Badass Seed • A Person of Interest • Someone to Watch Over Me • Monsters in the End • For Whom the Bell Tolls
Season 2
It's Alive • The Goodbye Look • My Name Is Trouble • Blind Dates • The Devil You Know • Never Letting Go • Surface Tension • Save the Date • Picture This • Touched by an 'A'-ngel • I Must Confess • Over My Dead Body • The First Secret • Through Many Dangers, Toils, and Snares • A Hot Piece of A • Let the Water Hold Me Down • The Blond Leading the Blind • A Kiss Before Lying • The Naked Truth • CTRL: A • Breaking the Code • Father Knows Best • Eye of the Beholder • If These Dolls Could Talk • UnmAsked
Season 3
It Happened 'That Night' • Blood Is The New Black • Kingdom of the Blind • Birds of a Feather • That Girl is Poison • The Remains of the "A" • Crazy • Stolen Kisses • The Kahn Game • What Lies Beneath • Single Fright Female • The Lady Killer • This Is A Dark Ride • She's Better Now • Mona-Mania • Misery Loves Company • Out of the Frying Pan, Into the Inferno • Dead to Me • What Becomes of the Broken-Hearted • Hot Water • Out of Sight, Out of Mind • Will The Circle Be Unbroken? • I'm Your Puppet • A DAngerous GAme
Season 4
'A' is for A-l-i-v-e • Turn of the Shoe • Cat's Cradle • Face Time • Gamma Zeta Die! • Under The Gun • Crash and Burn, Girl! • The Guilty Girl's Handbook • Into the Deep • The Mirror Has Three Faces • Bring Down the Hoe • Now You See Me, Now You Don't • Grave New World • Who's In The Box? • Love ShAck, Baby • Close Encounters • Bite Your Tongue • Hot for Teacher • Shadow Play • Free Fall • She's Come Undone • Cover For Me • Unbridled • A is for Answers
Season 5
EscApe From New York • Whirly Girlie • Surfing the Aftershocks • Thrown From The Ride • Miss Me x 100 • Run, Ali, Run • The Silence of E. Lamb • Scream For Me • March of Crimes • A Dark Ali • No One Here Can Love or Understand Me • Taking This One to the Grave • How the 'A' Stole Christmas • Through a Glass, Darkly • Fresh Meat • Over a Barrel • The Bin of Sin • Oh, What Hard Luck Stories They All Hand Me • Out, Damned Spot • Pretty Isn't the Point • Bloody Hell • To Plea or Not to Plea • The Melody Lingers On • I'm a Good Girl, I Am • Welcome to the Dollhouse
Season 6
Game On, Charles • Songs of Innocence • Songs of Experience • Don't Look Now • She's No Angel • No Stone Unturned • O Brother, Where Art Thou • FrAmed • Last Dance • Game Over, Charles • Of Late I Think Of Rosewood • Charlotte's Web • The Gloves Are On • New Guys, New Lies • Do Not Disturb • Where Somebody Waits For Me • We've All Got Baggage • Burn This • Did You Miss Me? • Hush, Hush, Sweet Liars
Season 7
Tick-Tock, Bitches • Bedlam • The Talented Mr. Rollins • Hit and Run, Run, Run • Along Comes Mary • Wanted: Dead or Alive • Original G'A'ngsters • Exes and OMGs • The Wrath of Kahn • The DArkest Knight • Playtime • These Boots Were Made for Stalking • Hold Your Piece • Power Play • In the Eye Abides the Heart • The Glove That Rocks the Cradle • Driving Miss Crazy • Choose or Lose • Farewell, My Lovely • 'Til Death Do Us Part
Pretty Dirty Secrets
A ReservAtion • A Reunion • A VoicemAil • I'm A Free MAn • TrAde Off • AssociAtion • CAll Security • The "A" Train
A LiArs Guide to Rosewood • Pretty Little Bloopers • We Love You to DeAth • 5 Years Forward • A-List Wrap Party

What Does Sos Stand for in Pretty Little Liars

Source: https://prettylittleliars.fandom.com/wiki/Shadow_Play

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