How to Clean White Collar on Black Dress

Black strict dress is a classic. But, today, designers offer various variations of such products. For example, black dress with a white collar, cuffs, etc. It is beautiful, but the process of washing such things is much more complicated.

How to whiten a white jacket on a black dress and not spoil the thing?

Fundamental rules

It is impossible to wash the combined thing in the same way as to clean ordinary ones. Otherwise, you can either bleach the black fabric, or spoil the white light. Therefore, it is important to adhere to certain rules. Here are the most significant of them:

Therefore, we can conclude - wash black dresses with white collars, or any other combination of things is extremely separate. But, there are still several options.


In order not to spoil appearance gizmos, and there is no time / desire to wash each element separately, you can use the method verified by thousands of housewives:

  • Manually wash powder with a thing at a water temperature of not more than 30 degrees, without using bleach;
  • Wait until the product is completely dry;
  • Proceed to separate bleaching of the collar and cuffs.

To do this, you need:

  1. Lay out the dress on a clean, flat surface;
  2. Pour water into a small container;
  3. Moisten a collar and other white elements with it;
  4. Apply the necessary amount of bleach to them;
  5. Wait until the substance begins to act;
  6. Rinse all white parts with clean water.

Using this method, you can wash your favorite thing, and make its collar as snow-white as possible. But, it is important to ensure that bleach does not get on dark elements.

Separate wash

This method is more complicated, and you will need some skill, as well as a sewing machine. In order not to think about the black dress shedding on the white collar, or the bleaching agent will not leave marks on the black dress, they simply need to be embroidered.

That is, it is necessary to tear off the white elements from the black ones. Then wash them with the usual methods, and then sew the details back. The method is long, but more effective.

How to whiten a white collar

How to wash a dress we know. And what to do with a white collar, how to wash it? Indeed, the collar is such an element of the product that gets dirty most often.

Hydrogen peroxide

If the spot on the collar has appeared recently, then you can use ordinary peroxide. It will help to quickly remove all dirty areas of the product element. What should be done:

  1. Moisten a piece of fleece with hydrogen peroxide;
  2. Wipe all dirty areas of the white collar;
  3. Wash a thing using one of the above methods.

The most important thing is to remember, this method is only suitable for very fresh spots. In all other situations, hydrogen peroxide may be powerless. But, there are other means.

Dishwashing liquid

It can also be a good cleaner in order to remove greasy, and yellowed areas on the collar. But, to make this substance as effective as possible, it is necessary to mix it with 1 tbsp. l with 3 tbsp. l hydrogen peroxide, and 1 tbsp. hp soda. Then you need to:

  1. Stir all the ingredients;
  2. Apply the resulting solution to the dirty areas of the white collar;
  3. Wait approximately 10 minutes;
  4. Wash a thing in the usual way.

After such cleaning, the stains, as a rule, completely disappear.

Good to know! Before you start washing with the methods described above, it is worth checking the substances on any inconspicuous part of the dress so as not to spoil the thing completely.


it medicine not only helps to cope with a headache, and remove high temperature body, but can also be a great option for ridding white things of dirt. Including, and on a collar. To use it correctly, you need:

This procedure allows you to return the thing to its former freshness and whiteness without additional costs, as well as make it as radiant as possible.


It is best to use it with ammonia. This method was successfully tested by our grandmothers and great-grandmothers, when the collars of the school clothes of their daughters were bleached. To use their method, we need:

  1. Mix in equal proportions both substances;
  2. To get a cotton swab in them;
  3. Wipe them dirty places of the collar;
  4. Repeat the procedure as many times as necessary until it is completely bleached;
  5. Then wash the item in the usual way.

It should be extremely careful, and it is best to use gloves during the cleaning process so that the skin of the hands does not dry out much. It is also worth opening the windows, because the ammonia has a rather pungent smell.


It is used mainly for cleaning liquor. It is carried out very simply - the salt is mixed with a glass of water, and then applied to the fabric with a sponge. Such a substance will not only save the collar from yellowed places, but also give it a shine.

These are the most common and proven methods of whitening white collars on black dresses, and other products. But, if you do not trust them, then you can just buy a special one in the store washing powder for such purposes.

The little black dress is a classic. She looks appropriate in almost any situation, and if the outfit is decorated with embroidery or beautiful white lace, then this combination will give its owner a halo of innocence and mystery. However, so different shades and textures can categorically deteriorate when washing. There are several options for whitening a white collar on a black dress at home. Among them, one can distinguish conditionally safe methods using improvised means, as well as the use of strong chemical compounds like bleaches. We will deal with each of them in this article.

Warning pollution problem

There are many options for removing critical consequences, however, it is better to prevent unwanted consequences. The main rule for washing things in contrasting colors is, first of all, the desired separate washing, and it is best to carry it out manually.

In order not to be puzzled with how to bleach a collar on a black dress, dresses with combined materials are best subjected to the following actions:

  1. If it is possible to separate parts (even by tearing off the same collar and cuffs), it is better to do this.
  2. It is preferable to hand wash machine. Otherwise, the probability of spoiling the product is much higher.
  3. If it is not possible to wash the parts separately, do not use different bleaches - there is the opportunity to damage the colored details of the dress.

How to wash black things with white elements?

It would seem that it could be easier to wash by hand. The collar of a black and white dress can be removed in several ways. But when working with clothes in contrasting shades, it is worth observing the sequence of rules and knowing exactly how to wash a black dress with a white collar:

  • Pour warm water into a basin or other container with a temperature not exceeding 30 ° C, then add a washing gel or other liquid detergent.

Important! It is better to put off the use of the powder, as it may leave streaks on dark tissue. You should also check the composition of the product for the presence of whitening components.

  • Soak the necessary thing for no more than an hour, then rinse, if necessary remove dirt - repeat the procedure again.

Important! It is better to minimize machining, as it can cause blurring of colors.

  • Rinse and dry the item, and then you can begin to bleach the necessary elements.
  • Put the dress on a flat surface, prepare a container of water.
  • Wet and treat the outfit with a whitening composition as accurately as possible.
  • To withstand the necessary time and rinse in water.

Read more useful tips on our portal about any color.

How to whiten the collar and other details?

Let's say the washing was done correctly and the problem of molting your item has not yet been touched. However, all things come in contact with the body, and the collar and cuffs are particularly susceptible to sweat and contact with surfaces. To bleach a collar on a black dress, you can use the following methods.

Hydrogen peroxide

This method is cheap and convenient to use:

  1. It is necessary to moisten the cotton pad in the peroxide.
  2. Apply to stain and leave to lie down a bit.
  3. Wash in any convenient way.

Important! For all its simplicity, this technique is only suitable for fresh spots.

Dishwashing liquid:

  1. For greater effectiveness, it can be mixed with two tablespoons of soda and three peroxides.
  2. Apply the mixture to the stain and leave for five minutes.
  3. Wash the product.


  1. Dissolve two aspirin tablets in a glass of water.
  2. Stain and wash.


Our grandmothers also used this method:

  1. Mix regular medical alcohol with ammonia in equal parts.
  2. Moisten a cotton pad in this mixture and treat the stain.
  3. Repeat until completely removed, and then wash.

Important! When using this method, it is worth taking care of the preservation of the skin of the hands and good ventilation.


This method is perfect for silk:

  1. Dissolve salt in a glass of water.
  2. Moisten the disc and handle the collar, and then wash.

Important! When using any of the methods, it is first necessary to check the composition in an inconspicuous place.

How to save a faded dress?

If, nevertheless, for some reason, your beautiful outfit is spoiled and the dress is shed, what to do at home - first of all, hurry up. The less time has passed since molting, the greater the chance of saving a thing. Try to gently rinse the drips with just running water or laundry soap, if that doesn't help, you can use the following tips:

  1. Soak the item completely in a chlorine-free stain remover. We dilute the composition in water according to the instructions and lower the dress. It should get wet and soak, then drain excess water. We are waiting for the estimated time, rinse and dry.
  2. You can use oxygen bleach, only you need to choose the most soft and clearly follow the instructions. It is necessary to dilute a quarter cup in a container of water, soak for a day or at least at night, then wash in the usual way.
  3. You can use a mixture of ammonia and liquid detergent. Soak a thing in it for 40 minutes, then rinse thoroughly.
  4. The following method will not only return the whiteness, but will also fix the color. To do this, you must first remove all contaminants and hold your outfit in a soapy solution with the addition of green tea. Then we pull out the fabric and for 15 minutes we fill the problem areas with salt, carefully rinse the product and dry it.

Important! When using chemical compounds for bleaching, it is necessary to verify the absence of chlorine in them and clearly follow the manufacturer's instructions for both bleach and dress.

Restoration of colored things

Of all the dyes, black is the most stable, so bleaching collars and cuffs on the principle of "nothing will be done to him" is possible. However, what to do if such a problem arose on a colored dress, than to bleach a white collar on a red dress, without spoiling the brightness of the color.

The processing principle is largely similar, but requires more thorough and painstaking action than with dark fabrics:

  • You can try stain remover for color. Pour the product on the stain, leave for a while, then wash.

Important! The tool is better to pre-check in an inconspicuous area.

  • To save a colored dress also the ammonia will help. It must be diluted at the rate of 20 ml of alcohol per 10 liters of water. In this solution, soak the affected clothing for at least an hour. Then wash thoroughly.
  • Use a special whitening soap. This method is simple, however, several approaches may be required. If the fabric is not very delicate, then you can rub it with a sponge or brush.

Important! There are special washcloths that allow you to catch washable dyes.

If the detail of your item has been thoroughly damaged, this is not a reason to completely get rid of your favorite clothes. Use our selection of options.

So that there are no such critical moments and there is no question, if the dress has faded, what to do at home, you need to follow some simple tips:

  1. Soak things for several hours in a normal salt solution.
  2. Carefully follow the instructions of the manufacturers of clothing and cleaning products.
  3. New things must be washed separately, and the first 2-3 washings are better by hand.

You can also use some tricks to preserve the brightness of colors longer.

Black and white color garments remain at the peak of fashion year after year. But only if you know how to whiten a snow-white collar on a dress, emphasize the purity of the color of decorative elements on a black background, you can count on the desired effect. Very expensive things from delicate materials are best trusted by professionals.

Some products can be washed independently, you only need to take into account the specifics of the direction and do everything strictly according to the recommended schemes. There are even methods that allow you to restore a faded thing. They are affordable, safe and effective at home.

Technology for washing black and white things

If you initially wash, clean and dry black and white things correctly, then in the future their restoration will not be needed. The main rule of the approach is only manual processing. The washing machine does everything quickly, but in this case its use is excluded.

The manual processing process is also not so simple, the following rules must be observed:

  1. We pour warm water into the basin, its temperature should not exceed 30ºС, otherwise you can't rely on preserving the color. We dissolve the washing gel in the liquid, after the powder on a black background often stains remain.

Tip: Before using a new tool, you need to make sure that there are no bleaching components in it, they will definitely spoil a specific thing.

  1. The mechanical treatment of contaminants must be minimized, otherwise the dark paint will switch to white elements. It is better to change the solution for soaking several times, washing the stains from the fabric.
  2. After the dress can be removed, you need to fix the color of the product. For this, vinegar is traditionally used. A tablespoon of a 9% solution is diluted in a liter of cold water. In the resulting composition, rinse with a clean product, gently squeeze and send for drying.

If after the approach it was not possible to get rid of the stains, do not immediately wash the garment again. It is necessary to choose a stain remover, depending on the color of the contaminated tissue and use it strictly locally.

How to whiten a white collar or other contrasting elements on a black dress?

You can bleach a textured collar on a black dress not only by means of targeted influence on a specific part, but also directly in the process of everyday washing. If the traditional option of preserving color using vinegar does not give the desired result, it is worth trying one of the following methods:

  • Lemon acid. With her we do the same as with vinegar. We dissolve a tablespoon of the product in a liter of cool water, the crystals should completely dissolve. In the resulting composition, rinse the washed dress. Ideally, this should be done after each wash.
  • Profile color stabilizers. If all spots from the surface of the fabric were removed without a trace, then after rinsing in ordinary water, the thing needs to be held for several minutes in a liquid with a small amount of stabilizer. The contrast of colors after this approach will be restored. This manipulation is suitable for processing products that have to be washed very often.
  • Boric acid. It must be added directly to the water to soak instead of the usual detergents. A quarter cup of product on a standard bowl will be more than enough (or a tablespoon of dry powder).

These exposure options will not have the proper effect on the shed thing. Traditional way to remove unaesthetic traces and stains also will not work. But, before turning to professionals for help, you can try several options for restoring the product at home.

What to do if a black and white dress has faded: professional and folk remedies for restoring color

Considering the fact that the snow-white collar or other light elements are more likely to darken than white stains appear on a black background, do the following:

  • The dress can be completely soaked in stain remover. It should be universal, without bleaching components based on chlorine. "Vanish" is best suited for this purpose. In a bowl, we dilute the product according to the instructions. There should be enough liquid so that the product is saturated, but not soaked in the composition. Soak the thing, merge the rest of the mixture and wait half an hour. After that, rinse the cloth and dry. There is no need to wash a piece of clothing!
  • White elements on a black background will quickly recover if you use oxygen bleach. It should be the softest and most delicate composition. A quarter glass of the product is diluted in a basin with water, soak the dress completely. We leave it in the liquid for a day. After this, the faded thing needs to be washed as usual and dried.
  • Mix equal amounts of ammonia and dishwashing detergent. Soak in the resulting composition a spoiled item and wait 40 minutes. Then carefully rinse the item, changing the water several times.
  • The folk approach is no less effective, which allows not only to restore the faded thing, but also to fix its color. To begin with, the garment should be washed away from dirt and held in a soap solution for half an hour with the addition of a glass of strong green tea. Then we take out the fabric from the composition and sprinkle the problem areas with salt. We wait a quarter of an hour and rinse the fabric with plenty of cool water. There is no need to re-wash the product, this will only have to be done if the manipulation technique is violated and yellow streaks appear on the surface of the material. This happens if you mix up green tea and white tea.

Despite the apparent simplicity of manipulation, you must strictly adhere to the recommended dosages and sequence of actions. If the result from the procedure does not satisfy, it is worth trying a different approach, but it is categorically not recommended to increase the concentration of the solutions used. Some chemical processes can cause such consequences that even professionals will not be able to remove resistant stains on contrasting tissues.

A black dress with a white collar took the most honorable place in my wardrobe. It is perfect for modest walks, and for business meetings. But there is one catch - you cannot wash combined things like everyone else, they need special care. I propose together to figure out how to wash a black dress with white details and not spoil its appearance.


In order for white inserts not to suffer on a black dress, safety precautions should be observed:

  • If the collar and cuffs can be temporarily removed / unfastened - do it. Achieving maximum effect is easier if you wash them separately.

  • Wash black and white dress in the washing machine will not work. Only accurate do-it-yourself processing will do.

  • During the washing process is strictly prohibited use all kinds of fabric bleaches and rough brushes for cleaning.

How to wash a black and white dress

I'll tell you how to wash the dress - so that it does not shed.

Option 1. Holistic washing

This type of cleaning means that we will process the whole thing in one go. Detailed instructions on how to bleach the collar of a black dress and wash the whole thing at the same time:

Picture Procedure

Step 1

Wash the dress by hand. Water temperature - no more than 30 ° C and powder without bleaching particles.

Step 2

Leave the item to dry completely. For uniform drying, it is better to use a coat hanger.

Step 3

Spread the dress on the table and bleach the white collar with bleach.

Be very careful with whiteness, even a few drops of this product that have fallen on black fabric can permanently ruin it.

Step 4

Last step - Rinse the white details of the dress in the water.

Option 2. Separate washing

Consider another interesting way to remove a black dress with a white collar. As mentioned earlier, Depending on the model of the dress, choose one of the proposed options:

  • If the design of the dress allows you to remove white details - remove them.

  • If white details are sewn - Before processing, cover the black cloth with a plastic bag or foil so as not to spoil it.

The most effective ways home whitening presented in the table:

Picture Recommendations
Recipe 1. Peroxide + Soda + Detergent

Mix all the ingredients in a proportion of 1 tsp. washing for 3 tsp soda and 2 tsp. hydrogen peroxide.

Apply a mixture with a cotton pad to the parts and leave for 5-7 minutes. Then rinse the white cloth in running water.

This method perfectly removes yellow sweat stains.

Recipe 2. Ethyl + ammonia

Mix ammonia and ethyl alcohol in equal proportions in a container. Wipe dirty areas with a cotton swab.

Change swabs as they get dirty. Finally, rinse the product in water.

When processing the dress, be sure to wear gloves to protect your hands from alcohol.

Recipe 3. Aspirin

Grind two aspirin tablets and add the resulting powder in 100 ml of cold water.

Dampened with a swab in the solution, wipe the dirt on the white collar or cuffs. When the stain disappears, wipe the treated area with a damp sponge.

Recipe 4. Hydrogen Peroxide

Moisten cotton wool in peroxide and rub the stains. If necessary, wash the product.

Effective only for fresh contaminants, removing stubborn stains with peroxide will not work.

Recipe 5. Salt

Dilute 1 tbsp. l salt in a glass of water. Apply the solution to the stained area with a cotton swab.

Processing white products with salt is excellent for silk fabrics.

If the thing has faded

Black dresses with a white collar may fade due to improper washing. You can return the saturated black color and remove the darkening from white details. Take for example:

  • Stain remover. Dilute the product according to the instructions and soak the whole thing in the solution. After 30 minutes, rinse the clothes thoroughly in water.

  • Oxygen bleach with soft action. ¼ Dilute the cup in a basin with water and soak the dress in it for the night. Wash the item manually in the morning.

  • Ammonia + dishwashing detergent. Mix the ingredients in equal proportions. Put the dress in a basin and add the mixture there, pour water on top. After 40 minutes, rinse the item under running water. Particularly problematic areas can be additionally sprayed with the resulting solution.


To make a black dress with white accents look like new, use the recommendations listed above. The video in this article is detailed instructionsas on a black dress white keep white. Do you have any secrets? I will gladly read them in the comments!

White should remain white if you look after the outfit correctly

A black dress with a white collar took the most honorable place in my wardrobe. It is perfect for modest walks, and for business meetings. But there is one catch - you cannot wash combined things like everyone else, they need special care. I propose together to figure out how to wash a black dress with white details and not spoil its appearance.


In order for white inserts not to suffer on a black dress, safety precautions should be observed:

  • If the collar and cuffs can be temporarily removed / unfastened - do it. Achieving maximum effect is easier if you wash them separately.

If possible, it is better to unfasten the cuffs and the collar while washing

  • Wash a black and white dress in a washing machine does not work. Only accurate do-it-yourself processing will do.

In the machine, a black and white dress cannot be washed, only hand wash!

  • During the washing process is strictly prohibited use all kinds of fabric bleaches and rough brushes for cleaning.

You can use whiteness only in certain areas of white.

How to wash a black and white dress

I'll tell you how to wash the dress - so that it does not shed.

Option 1. Holistic washing

This type of cleaning means that we will process the whole thing in one go. Detailed instructions on how to bleach the collar of a black dress and wash the whole thing at the same time:

Picture Procedure
Step 1

Wash the dress by hand. Water temperature - no more than 30 ° C and powder without bleaching particles.

Step 2

Leave the item to dry completely. For uniform drying, it is better to use a coat hanger.

Step 3

Spread the dress on the table and bleach the white collar with bleach.

Be very careful with whiteness, even a few drops of this product that have fallen on black fabric can permanently ruin it.

Step 4

Last step - Rinse the white details of the dress in the water.

Option 2. Separate washing

Consider another interesting way to remove a black dress with a white collar. As mentioned earlier, Depending on the model of the dress, choose one of the proposed options:

  • If the design of the dress allows you to remove white details - remove them.

A removable collar is much more convenient to wash.

  • If white details are sewn - Before processing, cover the black cloth with a plastic bag or foil so as not to spoil it.

The most effective ways to whiten at home presented in the table:

Picture Recommendations
Recipe 1. Peroxide + Soda + Detergent

Mix all the ingredients in a proportion of 1 tsp. washing for 3 tsp soda and 2 tsp. hydrogen peroxide.

Apply a mixture with a cotton pad to the parts and leave for 5-7 minutes. Then rinse the white cloth in running water.

This method perfectly removes yellow sweat stains.

Recipe 2. Ethyl + ammonia

Mix ammonia and ethyl alcohol in equal proportions in a container. Wipe dirty areas with a cotton swab.

Change swabs as they get dirty. Finally, rinse the product in water.

When processing the dress, be sure to wear gloves to protect your hands from alcohol.

Recipe 3. Aspirin

Grind two aspirin tablets and add the resulting powder in 100 ml of cold water.

Dampened with a swab in the solution, wipe the dirt on the white collar or cuffs. When the stain disappears, wipe the treated area with a damp sponge.

Recipe 4. Hydrogen Peroxide

Moisten cotton wool in peroxide and rub the stains. If necessary, wash the product.

Effective only for fresh contaminants, removing stubborn stains with peroxide will not work.

Recipe 5. Salt

Dilute 1 tbsp. l salt in a glass of water. Apply the solution to the stained area with a cotton swab.

Processing white products with salt is excellent for silk fabrics.

If the thing has faded

Black dresses with a white collar may fade due to improper washing. You can return the saturated black color and remove the darkening from white details. Take for example:

  • Stain remover. Dilute the product according to the instructions and soak the whole thing in the solution. After 30 minutes, rinse the clothes thoroughly in water.
  • Oxygen bleach with soft action. ¼ Dilute the cup in a basin with water and soak the dress in it for the night. Wash the item manually in the morning.

For black and white things, oxygen bleach is suitable, which does not contain chlorine

  • Ammonia + dishwashing detergent. Mix the ingredients in equal proportions. Put the dress in a basin and add the mixture there, pour water on top. After 40 minutes, rinse the item under running water. Particularly problematic areas can be additionally sprayed with the resulting solution.

Dishwashing liquid in combination with ammonia beautifully bleach white fabric


To make a black dress with white accents look like new, use the recommendations listed above. The video in this article has detailed instructions on how to keep white on a black dress with white. Do you have any secrets? I will gladly read them in the comments!

How to Clean White Collar on Black Dress


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